Multiple Layers Blue Beads Jewellery _Nidhi_S 6 years ago If diamonds, gold, emerald, and rubies are the only thing that one can think while discussing pieces of jewellery then they have definitely... Continue...
Diamond Lockets with Sapphires Desi Trends 12 years ago Left: Square shaped faceted cut simple diamonds studded broad leaf patterned locket studded with large blue sapphire. Right: simple roun... Continue...
Sapphires Necklace Desi Trends 13 years ago Model showcasing YS-18 jewellery blue sapphires combination diamond necklace at IIJW 2012. Very stylish and classy look single layer ... Continue...
Diamond Earrings Desi Trends 13 years ago 1. Designer diamond heavy earrings studded with ruby's and it can be used pendant also. 2. Rose cut diamond beautiful earrings st... Continue...
Emerald Tops for Middle Aged Women Desi Trends 13 years ago Checkout 22 carat gold emerald and blue sapphire tops studded with south sea pearls at the middle of earrings. Perfect suitable for middle a... Continue...
Gorgeous Sapphire Stone Desi Trends 13 years ago Checkout square shape gorgeous blue square shape sapphires stone studded with small diamonds around the sapphires. Continue...
Sapphires Earrings and Ring Desi Trends 13 years ago Checkout model in designer diamond earrings studded with blue sapphires paired with matching wedding diamond sapphire ring. Continue...
Mugda Godse in Sapphire Diamond Earrings Desi Trends 13 years ago Bollywood actress Mugda Godse in white gold finished designer diamond heavy earrings studded with round blue sapphires and attached with so... Continue...
Sapphires Diamonds Bangle and Ring Desi Trends 13 years ago Checkout Model with designer curved diamonds set of bangles studded with blue sapphires and paired with wedding diamond ring. Continue...