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Kundan Chokers from Zaveri Emporium

Women who are up with trends know what is new and refreshing they tend to pick up what is latest in the market and extraordinary from the collection they already possess in their wardrobe. To keep you up with that, we are here facilitating daily unique trends to keep you updated.

If you are somebody partial to Kundan work and the richness the Kundan pieces exhibit, today's collection is curated for the likes of you. The beauty of Kundan lies in the distinguished craftsmanship it displays and the kind of cultural parity is adorns through its designs.

The collection of Kundan Chokers in this post are from Zaveri emporium and celebrates colors and ethnic jewelry styles. They can also be used to make it a part of your bridal jewelry 

Kundan Chokers from Zaveri Emporium

The striking of all is the multi-layered choker necklace. The long elaborate designs of drop downs, with rice beads and small green beads falling through this drop-down necklace are in variance with a tight 2  layer choker piece. It is a band-shaped choker necklace with a pendant at the center. The entire choker theme-driven neck set is a straight hard based piece covered as a landscape filled with pink rubies all over it. It balances the overpowering pink ruby by combining it with green emerald, diamond beads with drop beads at the bottom of the piece.

The choker has rice beads and green beads in fusion falling as drops from the choker necklace. It has a strong vibe to it and thus can be paired up with different kinds of looks. The choker band has a spread of ruby pink stones bordered by diamonds while the pendant is an amalgamation of green emerald and pink beads both with hints of the flat diamonds. 

Kundan Chokers from Zaveri Emporium

This variety of necklace is quite different from the first one in a way that it is a multi-layer beaded necklace that goes around the neck and does not have any pendant or so. It is a band going around the neck with diamonds as the highlight of all the embellishments with a mix of pink stones embedded on the designs.

The green beads are also designed and combined with various color schemes and patterns to create that ethnic effect yet construing to the current theme. The center of the choker has a green emerald jaded at the center.

The color splash in this design theme is mesmerizing and very appealing. There is basically a single color bead that forms the entire chain in the repetition of settings. It involves a green bead with patterns on it then involves pears followed by a golden and green beaded rounded ball sort of design. Each of them is interlinked with each other through gold designs that hold them together.

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