Floral Design Trendy Hasil
Ladies! Let's get your attention towards these lovely Hasil sets. If you don't already know about Hasil, these sets will definitely make you aware and obsessed with it and crave to have one in your wardrobe. But before, for the newcomers just getting introduced to Hasil designs, let's tell you more about it!
Let's simply put it this way that Hasil is a work that contributes to a gold layout with a tube-shaped necklace with a pendant that is a work of art! This traditional jewelry is designed in a way that two pieces can never be alike in their make. They are distinguished and the making is so intricate to boasts the craftsmanship behind this work.
Now that you have got a little idea about Hasil, let's put our eyes on the above designs one by one. It is a collection of floral designed trendy Hasils.
In the first picture, we see the Ganesha miniature stamped as the pendant fully embedded with ruby beads. The necklace is an artwork which is sort of the historical paintings we see in a museum or carved in historic walls. The pendant is bordered with diamonds. The interlink also has a small pendant design. It is entirely in gold with some stones studded overall.
This one has a cream layout with a broad thick band Hasil necklace with pearly whites drops from the chain and drop pendants forming the design theme of this necklace.
The necklace is purely based out of green beads, pink ruby beads and paired infusion with a diamond-studded and matched with pearls design structure. The floral marks that form the bottom layer grace with the huge green emerald stone right in the center of it surrounded by rubies and cut diamond pieces.
The necklace is dimensioned in a way that it is a little thick not to look absurd but it gives a more prosperous look.
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