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Lord Krishna and Vishnu Kundan Pendants

We constantly try to keep you updated with the new designs trends in the jewelry market so that you are equipped with what's new and what will add the freshness in your wardrobe. We try to keep you in sync with almost all the trends including the modern as well as the antique or traditional kind of jewelry that is up in the list.

This collection, presented here, is also all about traditional Lord Krishna and Vishnu Kundan Pendants. These antique pieces are amalgamated with modern aesthetics by pairing them up with precious elements.

Lord Krishna and Vishnu Kundan Pendants

The collection given here is their line up of the antique pendants that they are showcasing with the line. The collection consists of an entire set with pearls leading to an antique pendant and matching earrings. Apart from this, there are two antique pendants presented here.

The entire piece is a very classy yet exquisite defining piece with pearls as the necklace band and following to a pendant that has a huge green emerald stone embedded right in the center, It has some diamond and ruby embellished structures around it.

Lord Krishna and Vishnu Kundan Pendants

The highlight of this pendant is the golden brassy feel that the entire piece has which balances the time between the vintage jewelry with cutting its way through the modernized trends. The Laxmi pendant with intricate detailing is quite evident and looks awe-striking. The pendant is surrounded with designs having green emerald beads embedded on it.

At the bottom, a combination of south sea pearls and golden beads are hanged at the bottom. The pendant also has slight hints of emerald beads and diamonds.

Lord Krishna and Vishnu Kundan Pendants

What is the most highlighting part of this piece? It definitely is the brassy feel that the entire piece has which balances the time between the vintage jewelry with cutting its way through the modernized trends. The Laxmi pendant with intricate detailing is quite evident and looks awe-striking. The pendant is surrounded with designs having pink ruby beads embedded on it.

At the bottom, a combination of south sea and rice pearls are hanged at the bottom. The pendant also has slight hints of emerald beads and diamonds. 

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