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Flat Diamond Rich Bridal Chokers

Flat Diamond Rich Bridal Chokers

If there's one accessory that gets attention and highlights the entire look it is the necklace. It is an important style or pattern and hence an essential part of the outfit you plan to surround your look with. But what leading this season in the necklaces is the Diamond embedded styled necklaces. It has a royal feel that grabs a lot of eyeballs when worn. Leading celebrities were spotted wearing these sets on several occasions. This trend has also seen evolved in terms of adding value to it through our traditional design works.

Diamonds collections usually grab a lot of eyes because it's shiny and puts a different look altogether. The collection enlisted below contains multiple sets all embellished in diamonds pairing them up with precious stones. They are perfect options to choose for bridal jewelry and are all embedded in flat diamonds. 

The jewelry game goes according to the occasion and the style you plan to put together. If royal classic is your style then the set in the first picture should be your pick

The necklace is a unique set of choker which is a cuffed pattern with mainly droplet-shaped structures placed at a distance. The choker has sort of a netted intricate design made across with gaps work paired up with a pendant embedded with a green emerald right at the center of these two elements. The rounded structures with bordering of green beads also uplift the style of this necklace. 

Flat Diamond Rich Bridal Chokers

The unique quality of this type of jewelry is that it gives a very raw feel in terms of the final look because of the metallic pink brassy finish given to the piece. bold rounded shapes and blocks stand as a part of the necklace design whereas the choker is a cuffed one surrounding the entire neck and shoulder plate. The theme of the necklace is pure gold with hints of color in the form of pink rubies. Along with that, rounded beads in white and green are also attached to it. 

The green beads add the color splash onto the piece. The white south sea pearls attached to the bottom layer also adds a lot of variety to the design in whole. This kind of work is called the block cuff pattern, that has been accentuated with flat uncut diamonds. 

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