Peacock Pendants with Flat Diamonds
Today, the collection depicts a range of pendants with flat diamonds and the designs are all peacock influenced.
These designs have a unique blend of stones and mostly concentrated on gold designs. If you are someone who likes imaginative designs rather than a diamond-studded pattern piece then you should definitely check out these. The posts consist of aesthetic driven creative pendant jewellery.

The pendant looks very antique and straight from the old golden times. It has a very vintage vibe to it. The round design of a flower has some huge diamonds embellished on it with a hint of pink rubies woven around them. In the center, we have a huge emerald stone that is also paired up with another one at the top. There are two peacock structures looking in the opposite direction above the floral pattern. It looks very grungy with the whole metallic finish on the gold.

If you like the combination of gold and diamond in perfect proportions that nothing empowers the other then this is a pick you will like. The entire design is gold based with again peacocks in metallic structures facing towards opposite directions. There is more gold in this with a slight hint of studded diamonds around it. At the center you can find a huge green emerald shaping up in a beaded design.

The last one is in a very metallic zone with a grungy theme in a cream color theme. Once again the design theme is woven around two peacocks and packaged with small structures around it. At the top, there are inverted beads in a poky shape whereas the second layer boasts flat diamonds. At the bottom, there is more diamond work with a center pattern of small precious stones. The entire look is completed with an arranged format of dropped south sea pearl beads in a creamish color pattern.
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