Below 20 Grams Classy Pendant Sets
Leafy design clasps and half moon design combination pretty diamond pendant with square shaped and pear shape emeralds, rose cut diamonds large south sea pearls drops. Approximate weight is 35 grams.
18 carat gold diamond ruby peacock pendant. Invisible rubies studded circle decorated with curved diamonds peacock. White round south sea pearls edged around the ruby circle. Approximate weight is 20 grams.
Pachi work ruby emerald studded two step pendant with pearls, approximate weight is 17 grams.
Antique work dull finish peacock ruby, emerald pendant with soft gold balls.
18 carat gold diamond ruby peacock pendant. Invisible rubies studded circle decorated with curved diamonds peacock. White round south sea pearls edged around the ruby circle. Approximate weight is 20 grams.
Pachi work ruby emerald studded two step pendant with pearls, approximate weight is 17 grams.
Antique work dull finish peacock ruby, emerald pendant with soft gold balls.
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